A 51st Generation cultural teacher and practitioner from Halawa Valley on the island of Molokai, Hawaii.
Kawika was accepted as a student of Kumu Pa'a Nui Lawrence Aki, the 50th generation of this lineage, in 2007 and learned the cultural practices of his Hawaiian heritage in a traditional manner. Once initiated into the lineage he lived with his teacher in Halawa Valley on the island of Molokai and trained until mastery.
In 2016 Kawika was released from his training by his teacher and given the title Kumu Pa'a & Kumu Hula. It is his passion to share with anyone that has an interest to learn, the way of thinking and the way of living of his Ancestors.
Kumu Kawika's sharing style combines ancient wisdom with a modern approach, his magnetic nature bring forth traditional knowledge in a contemporary flair.
Since 2010 Kawika has been travelling internationally sharing with the world the knowledge and wisdom through talks, workshops, retreats and online trainings. In 2013 Kawika married and began a family with his wife Jessica Foster, currently living in Australia. Returning annually to Molokai to maintain his Piko ( connection ). Expanding connections and relations with all the islands of his birth..
O Hawaii Nei..